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Local stakeholder consultation for Improved Cookstove Project

Societe Petroliere Limited (SP), in partnership with QEC Ltd (a local improved cookstove manufacturing company based in Rwanda) and BB Energy, is planning to distribute Improved Cookstoves to households across Rwanda.

BB Energy 30 June 2022

The proposed project activity will replace the traditional cooking methods, which will help reduce the amount of wood needed for cooking. This will result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and will also lead to improvement in health conditions of women in the household and in employment opportunities.

Given that the proposed project is considered an emission reduction project and will thus help combat climate change, it will be registered to the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS or Verra) as “Improved Cookstove Grouped Project in Rwanda”. Verra is a carbon standard body which quantifies, certifies, and maximizes climate impact. The project will operate as per the guidelines of Verra and is expected to provide socio-economic development to the country.

As required by the VCS protocol, SP and QEC would like to discuss the development and benefits of this project and understand the concerns and opinions of all relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, an explanation on carbon credits and the role they play in this project will be provided.

SP and QEC are therefore proposing to hold a formal local stakeholder consultation to address any issues that are of importance to stakeholders and contribute to the sustainable development of the communities. It is therefore proposed to hold that local stakeholder consultation on 18th July 2022 in Rwamagana District, 20th July in Rulindo District and 22nd July 2022 in Nyabihu District. All interested stakeholders are invited to participate. We can be reached by email and phone at:

Name: USABISA Yvonne
Phone: (+250) 0788821014

Agenda of meeting:

1. Welcome
2. Election of meeting Chair
3. Approval of proposed Agenda
4. Presentation of the project
5. Q&A session
6. Vote of Thanks

Source: The New Times, Rwanda, Issue No. 5826

Media Contacts

Karim Bassatne
Head of Corporate Communications
T: +971 4 432 8300