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Power Trading

Trading Renewable Power in Africa

BB Energy and Solarcentury Africa have plans to become a significant regional power company in Southern Africa. In April 2024 when Solarcentury Africa was granted one of the first unconditional memberships of the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) as a Market Participant.

SAPP’s competitive energy market provides a platform for its members to trade power on a monthly, weekly, day ahead and intra-day basis. It also allows participants to trade directly with each other through bilateral agreements.

With the support of BB Energy, Solarcentury Africa intends to build a portfolio of 500 MW of merchant solar plants, including the two merchant plants already under development in Namibia and one in Botswana. Once online, they will supply power directly to customers and into the power grid through the SAPP.

This initiative is important to our energy transition plans because in sub-Saharan Africa 600 million people, or 53 per cent of the population live without access to electricity, with many more having access to limited or unreliable supplies. BB Energy is committed to playing its part in addressing this shortfall, in line with our commitments to advance UN SDG 7 – ensuring access to affordable, reliable and modern energy.

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