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Compliance, transparency and responsibility

We promote good governance within BB Energy and across our value chain to protect our business and drive sustainability. The Group is managed by the Board of Directors, comprised of five executive and two non-executive members.

Our compliance function has been significantly enhanced over recent years and now comprises a Head of Compliance, Compliance Manager and five KYC officers located around the world.

Our business operations are governed by the Group’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, aimed at detecting and preventing instances of bribery and corruption.

Policy on a day-to-day basis. Management at all levels are accountable for ensuring that their subordinates are familiar with and understand this Policy. Training on the Policy is integrated into the induction process for all new employees, with existing staff undergoing annual training sessions to reinforce their understanding and adherence to the Policy.

Regular audits are conducted on internal control systems and procedures to provide assurance of their effectiveness in countering bribery and corruption. Additionally, we have systems and control mechanisms in place related to our Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy, as well as part of our KYC process and recruitment procedures, to support our stance against dealing with or supporting any business and individuals involved in anti-social or criminal behaviour.

Our Code of Conduct, along with other policies and procedures, outline our expectations for stakeholders across our value chain. We maintain a zero-tolerance stance against bribery, corruption, money laundering, and modern slavery, reinforced by a Whistleblowing hotline enabling stakeholders to report any concerns they may have confidentially.